We are thrilled to announce that the Diocese of Bismarck has opened an investigation into the life and deeds of Michelle Christine Duppong. This is an exciting step towards her possible beatification and canonization.
Michelle was a woman of deep faith who attended St. Paul's Newman Center from 2002-2006 before serving as the Director of Adult Faith Formation for the Diocese of Bismarck. She was also a FOCUS missionary for six years, inspiring and guiding countless individuals to grow in their relationship with God.
The diocesan investigation will involve the collection of evidence about Michelle's life and deeds, including witness testimonies and the compilation of her writings. Once this evidence is gathered, it will be presented by the diocese to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Vatican.
Michelle's life and legacy have already inspired many, and we invite the public to pray for the progression of the diocesan investigation. FOCUS will also be sharing more about her remarkable life through various platforms.
Monsignor James Shea, president of the University of Mary, spoke of Michelle as "a radiant, joyful woman with the heart of a true servant." We honor her memory and look forward to the possibility of her being recognized as a saint in the future.
Process of becoming a Saint: The process of becoming a saint in the Catholic Church is called canonization. It is a formal declaration by the Church that a person is in Heaven and worthy of veneration by the faithful. The process can be divided into several stages:
The process of canonization is lengthy and involves extensive research and investigation into the person's life and works. It is important to note that the Catholic Church does not make anyone a saint, but rather recognizes the person's holiness and the presence of God in their life.